==== Monster\Tech List ==== ---- \\ \\ === Pixie === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 001 | Pixie | | 002 | Granity | | 003 | Nyang | | 004 | Lip Pink | | 005 | Daina | | 006 | Vivian | | 007 | Vanity | | 008 | Mystie | | 009 | Dixie | | 010 | Mint | | 011 | Allure | | 012 | Suntarn | | 013 | Amazoon | | 014 | Naibell | | 015 | Janne | | 016 | Lilim | | 017 | Xylohorn | | 018 | Mermaid | | 019 | Scryer | | 020 | Alrato | | 021 | Altima | | 022 | Nymph | ^ Techs ^ | Slap | | High Kick | | Megaray | | Kiss | | Life Steal | | Ray | | Big Bang | | Claw Slash | | Hot Breath | \\ === Golem === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 023 | Pink Golem | | 024 | Golem | | 025 | Lemlaria | | 026 | Peachie | | 027 | Tyrant | | 028 | Dagon | | 029 | Titan | | 030 | Wickerman | | 031 | Scalie | | 032 | Big Blue | | 033 | Marble Guy | | 034 | Brix | | 035 | Geo | | 036 | Rhinogigas | | 037 | War Rocks | | 038 | Angolmor | | 039 | Typhon | | 040 | Tidalle | | 041 | Jailkeeper | | 042 | Ogre | | 043 | Naskar | | 044 | Crystalia | ^ Techs ^ | Kick | | Uppercut | | Punch | | Giant Clap | | Dive Press | | Boulder | | Fist Shot | | Magnifist | | Cyclone | \\ === Mew === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 045 | Mum Mew | | 046 | Rocky Mew | | 047 | Mew | | 048 | Mochmew | | 049 | Dramew | | 050 | Crabbie | | 051 | Sue Mew | | 052 | Nyamo | | 053 | Zuumew | | 054 | Bowwow | | 055 | Mewga | | 056 | Octy Mew | | 057 | Mogmew | | 058 | Mint Mew | | 059 | Meta Mew | | 060 | Mewitch | | 061 | MoMo Mew | | 062 | MarineMew | | 063 | Night Mew | | 064 | Mewnos | | 065 | Polar Mew | | 066 | Ballad | ^ Techs ^ | Head Butt | | Punch | | Stab | | Hop Kick | | 100 Blows | | Hip Press | | Zap | | Recital | \\ === Mocchi === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 067 | Manna | | 068 | Ancoran | | 069 | Yuzumocchi | | 070 | Mocchi | | 071 | Draco Moch | | 072 | Trocchi | | 073 | Beakie | | 074 | Warabi | | 075 | MariMocchie | | 076 | Peng Moch | | 077 | Venomocchi | | 078 | Isobe | | 079 | MogiMocchi | | 080 | Sodacchi | | 081 | Armocchi | | 082 | Pierremocchi | | 083 | Bitter | | 084 | MarineMoch | | 085 | Tadon | | 086 | Gizmocchi | | 087 | Soft Pink | | 088 | White Mocchi | ^ Techs ^ | Slap | | Head Butt | | Press | | Licking | | Petal Whirl | | Petal Storm | | Roll Attack | | Mocchi Ray | | Mocchi Beam | \\ == Dragon === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 089 | Tiamat | | 090 | Rock Dragon | | 091 | Dragcatze | | 092 | Razwel | | 093 | Dragon | | 094 | Crab Dragon | | 095 | Flasher | | 096 | Jabberwock | | 097 | Fafneel | | 098 | Crevasse | | 099 | Niezheg | | 100 | Octgon | | 101 | Druger | | 102 | Diaboros | | 103 | Quellepre | | 104 | Armadragon | | 105 | Fur Dragon | | 106 | Zaratan | | 107 | Uroboros | | 108 | Vievle | | 109 | Diva | | 110 | Magmaheart | ^ Techs ^ | D.Tail | | D.Bite | | D.Wing | | Flutter | | Trample | | D.Combo | | D.Breath | | DiveCharge | | D.Claw | \\ === Arrowhead === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 111 | Caro | | 112 | Priarocks | | 113 | MewHead | | 114 | Rose River | | 115 | Fire Gear | | 116 | Arrow Head | | 117 | Mustarrow | | 118 | Merry Arrow | | 119 | Vioscissor | | 120 | Javelineer | | 121 | Venom Arrow | | 122 | Canaloa | | 123 | Land Diver | | 124 | Sabani | | 125 | Armed Arrow | | 126 | Selketo | | 127 | Nut Arrow | | 128 | Aqua Spike | | 129 | Ciseaux | | 130 | Oldovis | | 131 | Silver Face | | 132 | Stalgunner | ^ Techs ^ | Punch | | Tail Sting | | 3 Stings | | ScytheTail | | MeteorBomb | | Claw Pinch | | SneakSting | | Power Shot | \\ === Suezo === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 133 | Pink Eye | | 134 | Rocky Seuzo | | 135 | Cat Eye | | 136 | Moch Suezo | | 137 | Red Suezo | | 138 | Crab Suezo | | 139 | Suezo | | 140 | Bloodshot | | 141 | Melon Suezo | | 142 | Hornie | | 143 | Purple Sue | | 144 | Octo Eye | | 145 | Earth Eye | | 146 | Burster | | 147 | Metal Sue | | 148 | Bad Eye | | 149 | Brown Eye | | 150 | Fukazo | | 151 | Zanzo | | 152 | Gillie | | 153 | White Suezo | | 154 | Jagandi | ^ Techs ^ | Yodel | | Spit | | Tail Whip | | Teleport | | P.K. | | Lick | | Kiss | | Suezo Beam | | Telepathy | \\ === Ducken === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 155 | Piekan | | 156 | Blocken | | 157 | KinKunk | | 158 | Mochikung | | 159 | Hicken | | 160 | Arokkung | | 161 | Ticken | | 162 | Ducken | | 163 | Yuzokkun | | 164 | Gulkung | | 165 | Grapen | | 166 | Octon | | 167 | Chaken | | 168 | Psikung | | 169 | Kokkung | | 170 | Boukung | | 171 | Dokkung | | 172 | Lekkung | | 173 | Zankung | | 174 | Cuekang | | 175 | Piyokkung | | 176 | Fankung | ^ Techs ^ | Wing Slap | | Bound | | Eye Beam | | Missile | | Bombing | | Hula-Hula | | Surprise | | Beak Fall | | Explosion | \\ === Zuum === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 177 | Fairy Zuum | | 178 | Rock Zuum | | 179 | Leon | | 180 | Pastelian | | 181 | Salamander | | 182 | Crab Zuum | | 183 | Mustardy | | 184 | Poizuum | | 185 | Zuum | | 186 | Hound Zuum | | 187 | Purple Zuum | | 188 | Capsy | | 189 | Earth Zuum | | 190 | Psirow | | 191 | Gaunt | | 192 | Basilisk | | 193 | Retriever | | 194 | Palasaulo | | 195 | Night Zuum | | 196 | Speedster | | 197 | Chrono | | 198 | Glarlie | ^ Techs ^ | Tail Whip | | Jump Kick | | Tear Bite | | Tackle | | Charge | | Spin Tail | | Hero Kick | | Fireball | | Tail Slap | | Great Fire | \\ === Tiger === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 199 | Daton | | 200 | Rock Hound | | 201 | Mewger | | 202 | Spriger | | 203 | Flarester | | 204 | Volgue | | 205 | Mono Eyed | | 206 | Vanders | | 207 | Datonare | | 208 | Tiger | | 209 | Cabalos | | 210 | Octo Step | | 211 | Ryuon | | 212 | Emrode | | 213 | Silvie | | 214 | Bargest | | 215 | Hazel Fur | | 216 | Rafal | | 217 | Night Fang | | 218 | Voltie | | 219 | Remus | | 220 | Kamui | ^ Techs ^ | Bite | | Scratch | | One-Two | | Lightning | | Bolt | | Charge | | Ice Bomb | | SpinAttack | | Howl | | Blizzard | \\ === Naga === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 221 | Ripper | | 222 | Trident | | 223 | Hunter | | 224 | Wild Pink | | 225 | Lava Blood | | 226 | Madderrie | | 227 | Cyclops | | 228 | Albina | | 229 | Stinger | | 230 | Striker | | 231 | Naga | | 232 | Octa Claw | | 233 | Sandler | | 234 | Tricella | | 235 | Metal Claw | | 236 | Echidna | | 237 | Nut Eater | | 238 | Hydra | | 239 | Scar Face | | 240 | Cutlass | | 241 | Punisher | | 242 | Dogmar | ^ Techs ^ | Punch | | Stab | | Pierce | | Life Steal | | Tail Lash | | Poison Gas | | Scissors | | Evil Bomb | | Screw Dive | \\ === Octopee === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 243 | Picpee | | 244 | Inkpotter | | 245 | Mewpee | | 246 | Moppee | | 247 | Drapee | | 248 | Boilpee | | 249 | Lemopee | | 250 | Trippee | | 251 | Spicie | | 252 | Blue Octy | | 253 | Purpee | | 254 | Octopee | | 255 | Chesnupee | | 256 | Aramat | | 257 | Metal Octy | | 258 | Villainie | | 259 | Fur Octy | | 260 | Lesipee | | 261 | Shade Octy | | 262 | Bluepee | | 263 | Vienna | | 264 | Yuppee | ^ Techs ^ | Tech Red | | Ear Slap | | Capoeira | | Octo Ball | | Octo Magic | | Octo Ink | | Bubbles | | Sucker | | OctoBaloon | | Octo Beam | | Sniper | \\ === Mogi === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 265 | Sopra | | 266 | Altoe | | 267 | Nyaga | | 268 | Pease | | 269 | Raiven | | 270 | Beaboy | | 271 | Tigre | | 272 | Shanks | | 273 | Bosco | | 274 | Fleece | | 275 | Punkie | | 276 | Tranth | | 277 | Mogi | | 278 | Chemics | | 279 | Slaath | | 280 | Grandie | | 281 | Casua | | 282 | Offshore | | 283 | Ezzie | | 284 | Oltana | | 285 | Thrillie | | 286 | Oricon | ^ Techs ^ | Headbang | | Punch In | | Splash | | Scratch | | Break Spin | | Head Spin | | Dig | | Dig Dig | | GroundBeat | \\ === Psiroller === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 287 | Eroller | | 288 | Rockroller | | 289 | Mewroller | | 290 | Mochroller | | 291 | Highroller | | 292 | Aroller | | 293 | Sueroller | | 294 | Controller | | 295 | Roadroller | | 296 | Tigroller | | 297 | Vioroller | | 298 | Octoroller | | 299 | Mogroller | | 300 | Psiroller | | 301 | Metarrolle | | 302 | Venoroller | | 303 | Momoroller | | 304 | Searoller | | 305 | Necroller | | 306 | Crossroller | | 307 | Rabiroller | | 308 | Motoroller | ^ Techs ^ | Charger | | Drifting | | Megaroller | | Cannonball | | Bang Bang | | Back Spin | | 0 to 60 | | Glider | | Turn Throw | \\ === Durahan === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 309 | Lesziena | | 310 | Kelmadics | | 311 | Herbert | | 312 | Bloss | | 313 | Vesuvious | | 314 | Lorica | | 315 | Goldie | | 316 | Andrew | | 317 | Forestra | | 318 | Glacier | | 319 | Berserker | | 320 | Oct Night | | 321 | Angas | | 322 | Perseus | | 323 | Durahan | | 324 | Genocider | | 325 | Highlander | | 326 | Lezaal | | 327 | Dark Raider | | 328 | Hermes | | 329 | Selvan | | 330 | HolyKnight | ^ Techs ^ | Kick | | Swing | | Cut-In-Two | | Charge | | Turn Slash | | Gust | | Air Shot | | Aura Slash | | Gaea Sword | \\ === Joker === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 331 | Hell Heart | | 332 | Tombstone | | 333 | Lunasos | | 334 | Juggler | | 335 | Flare Death | | 336 | Shearsman | | 337 | Massacrer | | 338 | Clocker | | 339 | Grasster | | 340 | Blue Terror | | 341 | Glitter | | 342 | Depstalker | | 343 | Astraal | | 344 | Pale Walker | | 345 | Sehga | | 346 | Joker | | 347 | Eligoly | | 348 | Sea Bishop | | 349 | SoulReaper | | 350 | Undertaker | | 351 | Gespenst | | 352 | Skull Gold | ^ Techs ^ | Uppercut | | Berserk | | Slash | | Air Shot | | Death Claw | | Dark Flame | | Hell Taunt | | Scythe | | Phantoms | \\ === MoMo === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 353 | Pipi | | 354 | Zaza | | 355 | Mewmew | | 356 | Titi | | 357 | Jiji | | 358 | Roro | | 359 | Kuku | | 360 | Coco | | 361 | Toto | | 362 | Lala | | 363 | Nana | | 364 | Chacha | | 365 | Gigi | | 366 | Popo | | 367 | Didi | | 368 | Jojo | | 369 | Momo | | 370 | Lulu | | 371 | Dada | | 372 | Pepe | | 373 | Valencie | | 374 | Momorien | ^ Techs ^ | Tail Whip | | Scratch | | Spin Crush | | Full | | Dunk | | Spike | | Sound Wave | | Machine Gun | | Air Raid | | Air Spin | \\ === Lesione === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 375 | Rubia | | 376 | Brakios | | 377 | SandLessie | | 378 | Plassie | | 389 | LavaLessie | | 380 | Lebian | | 381 | Olivia | | 382 | Silkies | | 383 | Hibis | | 384 | Plesio | | 385 | Grapie | | 386 | Coral | | 387 | Raindie | | 388 | Sharlie | | 389 | Biansnow | | 390 | Shadie | | 391 | Diamante | | 392 | Lesione | | 393 | Metal Head | | 394 | Paleo | | 395 | Irassie | | 396 | Grilief | ^ Techs ^ | Fin Slap | | Tail Whip | | Head Slap | | Lesihorn | | Water Gun | | Spike | | Boomerang | | Tsunami | | Submerge | \\ === Zan === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 397 | Syuri | | 398 | Zetsu | | 399 | Jaki | | 400 | Ryoku | | 401 | Homura | | 402 | Retsu | | 403 | Bui | | 404 | Kagura | | 405 | Shin | | 406 | Karu | | 407 | Saga | | 408 | Ban | | 409 | Shido | | 410 | Zaki | | 411 | Haku | | 412 | Naraku | | 413 | Gai | | 414 | Rei | | 415 | Zan | | 416 | Shiguma | | 417 | Ibuki | | 418 | Setsuna | ^ Techs ^ | Stab | | Somersault | | Leg Arc | | Rising Rave | | Caution | | Nail Slash | | Tempest | | Dive Attack | | Triassault | | Stunner | \\ === Antlan === ---- \\ ^ ID ^ Name ^ | 419 | Quintie | | 420 | Ragerock | | 421 | Tomcat | | 422 | Cuty | | 423 | Dragoon | | 424 | Vermillion | | 425 | Caraban | | 426 | Heel Ow | | 427 | Grasbie | | 428 | Ace | | 429 | Marbel | | 430 | Octoban | | 431 | Chaser | | 432 | Ryner | | 433 | Justin | | 434 | Blakkus | | 435 | Lacoon | | 436 | Sieger | | 437 | Eval | | 438 | Antlan | | 439 | Moon Light | | 440 | Ninja | ^ Techs ^ | Fire Punch | | Punch Rush | | X Blade | | Smoke Bomb | | Scissors | | Whirlwind | | Tail Sting | | Crescent | | Lightning | | Meteor | \\ ==== Trait List ==== ---- \\ ^ Trait ^ Effect ^ | Act. View | Easier to land blows. | | Armor | Monster will take less damage but dodging ability is decreased. | | Big Eater | Monster will eat two food items. | | Big Lungs | Breathe attacks do more damage. | | Cold Proof | Little damage from ice attacks. | | Cold Resis | Resistant to ice attacks. | | Dark Aura | Resistant from mental attacks. | | Dusk Aura | Mental attacks almost completely non effective. | | Earth Know | Increases Earth attack's damage and accuracy. | | Elec-Proof | Little damage taken from Lightning attacks. | | +Elec Resist | Resistant to lightning attacks. | | Eye Charm | Increases Charm attacks. | | Fairy Know | Increases Ice, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning damage and accuracy. | | Fire Know | Increases damage and accuracy of fire attacks. | | Flex Tail | Increases damage and accuracy of attacks with the tail. | | Footwork | Increases ability to dodge but takes more damage when hit. | | Gold Gift | Makes monster's stats go up faster. | | Grace Step | Easier to dodge attacks. | | Hard Head | Damage of attacks using the head increase. | | Hard Scale | Less damage received from attacks but is harder to dodge. | | Hard Shell | Less damage received from attacks but is harder to dodge. | | Hard Skin | Less damage received from attacks but is harder to dodge. | | Heatproof | Fire attacks are almost ineffective. | | Heat Resist | Resistant towards Fire attacks. | | Hi-Power | Power stat increases faster. | | Hi-Resist | More resistant towards status changes in battle. | | Hi-Sense | Intelligence stat increases faster. | | Hi-Speed | Speed stat increases faster. | | Hi-Tech | Accuracy stat increases faster. | | Hi-Tough | Defense and Life stats increase faster. | | Ice Know | Increases Ice attack's power and damage. | | Iron Fist | Moves that use Fist are increased. | | Iron Heart | Can train more with out the monster getting tired as quickly. | | Light Aura | Resistant towards Magic attacks. | | Loud Voice | Increases damage and accuracy of Loud Voice move. | | Ltng Know | Damage and Accuracy of Lightning attacks are increase. | | Magic Resis | Resistance to Magic attacks. | | Magic Know | Damage and accuracy of Magic attacks is increased. | | Mind Know | Damage and accuracy of Mind attacks is increased. | | Rock Skin | Damage received is reduced but harder to dodge attacks. | | Sharp Bld | Damage of moves using weapons is increased. | | Sharp Claw | Increases damage of attacks with Claws. | | Sharp Fang | Increases damage of attacks with Fangs. | | Sharp Horn | Increases damage of attacks with horns. | | Sniper | Accuracy of projectile attacks is increased. | | Soft Body | Cushions blows from enemies. | | Soft Smell | Charm moves are more effective. | | Spec Mods | Fire, Ice, Water, and Lightning. | | Sweet Vox | Singing attack's accuracy and damage increase. | | Water Know | Increases accuracy and damage of Water attacks. | | Waterproof | Water attacks have little effect. | | Water Resis | Resistance to water attacks. | | Wind Know | Increases damage and accuracy of Wind attacks. | | Wind Resis | Resistance to Wind attacks. | \\ ==== Item List ==== ---- \\ === Shop Items === ---- \\ ^ Name ^ Effect^ | HoneyCandy | Cost 100. Monster snack. | | Cookies | Cost 200. Monster snack. | | Mango | Cost 300. Monster snack. | | Nitroberry | Cost 300. Refreshes monster. | | Roast Newt | Cost 500. A bitter tasting medicine. | | Lethe Rx 1 | Cost 300. Monster forgets 1st trait. | | Lethe Rx 2 | Cost 300. Monster forgets 2nd trait. | | Lethe Rx 3 | Cost 300. Monster forgets 3rd trait. | | Lethe Rx 4 | Cost 300. Monster forgets 4th trait. | | Lethe Rx 5 | Cost 300. Monster forgets 5th trait. | | Lethe Rx 6 | Cost 300. Monster forgets 6th trait. | | ShinyGem | Cost 5000. Reduces monster of stress. Effects when owned. | | SparkleGem | Cost 25000. Reduces more stress of the monster. Effects when owned. | | BrightGem | Cost 65000. Reduces most stress from monster. Effects when owned. | | SilverCup | Cost 5000. Reduces tiredness of monster. Effects when owned. | | Gold Cup | Cost 25000. Reduces tiredness of monster more. Effects when owned. | | Holy Cup | Cost 65000. Reduces tiredness of monster the most. Effects when owned. | | Incense | Cost 4000. Monsters rest better with this. Effects when owned. | | Aroma Pot | Cost 16000. Same as incense but more effective. Effects when owned. | \\ === Trait Items === ---- \\ ^ Name ^ Effect ^ | Ava.Horn | Gives monster Sharp Horn trait. | | BeaclnHorn | Gives monster Hard Skin trait. | | Biasin Z | Gives monster Iron Heart trait. | | Binoculars | Gives monster Sniper trait. | | Cold Paint | Gives monster Cold Proof trait. | | Dino Tail | Gives monster Flex Tail trait. | | Earth Orb | Gives monster Earth Know trait. | | Elec Paint | Gives monster Elec-proof trait. | | Evil Knife | Gives monster Sharp Bld trait. | | Eye Drops | Gives monster Act View trait. | | Gaboo Soul | Gives monster Iron Fist trait. | | Gali Mask | Gives monster Light Aura trait. | | Golem frag | Gives monster Hard Head trait. | | Heat Paint | Gives monster Heatproof trait. | | HungrFruit | Gives monster Big Eater trait. | | Ice Orb | Gives monster Ice Know trait. | | Jill Beard | Gives monster Cold Resist trait. | | Joker Mask | Gives monster Dark Aura trait. | | Karianin | Gives monster Hi-Sense trait. | | Larox A | Gives monster Hi-Power trait. | | Life Orb | Gives monster Life Know trait. | | Logimole V | Gives monster Hi-Resist trait. | | Losenges | Gives monster Sweet Vox trait. | | Magic Orb | Gives monster Magic Know trait. | | Megaphone | Gives monster Loud Voice trait. | | Mind Orb | Gives monster Mind Know trait. | | Monol Frag | Gives monster Magic Resist trait. | | Nail File | Gives monster Sharp Claw trait. | | PhnxFeathr | Gives monster Heat Resist trait. | | Pollen | Gives monster Soft Smell trait. | | Ribbon | Gives monster Eye Charm trait. | | Scales | Gives monster Hard Scale trait. | | Scarf | Gives monster Footwork trait. | | SH Fruit | Gives monster Big Lungs trait. | | Tapaurin N | Gives monster Hi- Tough trait. | | Teromean S | Gives monster Hi-Speed trait. | | Thunder Orb | Gives monster Ltng Know trait. | | Tiger Horn | Gives monster Elec Resist trait. | | Toe Shoes | Gives monster Grace Step trait. | | Trokatin X | Gives monster Hi-Tech trait. | | Water Orb | Gives monster Water Know trait. | | Water Paint | Gives monster Waterproof trait. | | MarkisWing | Gives monster Wind Resist trait. | | Wind Orb | Gives monster Wind Know trait. | | Worm Fang | Gives monster Sharp Fang trait. | | Zilla Beard | Gives monster Watr Resist trait. | \\ === Other Items === ---- \\ ^ Name ^ Effect ^ | Bajarl Pot | A pot containing the spirit of Bajarl. Not sure what this is used for other than combining. | | Banana | Makes Monster Lazy. | | Black Pearl | Medicine for monster. | | Bone | A bone. Give to monsters to chew on. | | Coral | An accessory. Is a medicine for monsters. | | Crystal | A jewel of some value. | | Diamond | A jewel of great value. | | Disc Frag | From a monster shaped like a disc stone. | | Flower | A fragrant flower that calms monsters. | | Ghost Stik | A stick that belongs to a ghost. Not sure what this is used for other than combining. | | Mint Candy | Candy that reduces stress. | | Mint Leaf | A medicine that relieves monster of stress. | | Mirror | Mirror of legendary Majin. Not sure what use this is. | | Mock Seed | Seed from the monster Mock. Not sure what this is used for other than combining. | | Mud Doll | A doll made of mud. No value. | | Nuts Oil | Removes Fatigue from monsters. | | Pretty Rock | A stone. Not of much value. | | Torles Watr | Removes fatigue from monsters. | | Whip | Doodle monster's whip. Not sure what this is used for other than combining. | | Wind Drum | Causes fear in the monster's heart. Effects when owned. | | Wind Flute | Makes monsters cry with sad sounds. Effects when owned. | \\